G-Taste Vol.1: A Taste of Honey

Meet Moe, Nana and Mai, three of the sexiest, hottest women ever animated. And they all have a common problem: when it comes to sex, they just can’t get enough. They’re ready and willing to get it on with whatever comes to hand.

Although she tries hard, lovely office worker Moe bungles her assignments more often than not. She’d fare better if she spent more time working and less time playing with the office equipment, but it wouldn’t be near as much fun. Nana’s so cute in her maid’s outfit that it’s easy to see why everyone wants a piece of her. And while domineering Mai is used to being the boss, she’s going to ...Read More
discover the joys of humiliation. A taste will only leave you wanting more, so obey your sweet tooth.
Item# Ani-DGT001
Studio SoftCel
Category Soft Cel Anime
Date 7/11/2003 (Out of Stock)
Play Time Apx. 90 mins


(約 JPY ¥3,849)|0 Price Off

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Product Details

Item#: Ani-DGT001 Media Type: DVD Region Code: All Picture Format: n/a Picture Format: n/a DVD Type: a/a Language: Japanese & English w/English subtitle No. of Disc: 0 SubTitle: N/A


DVD Player Compatible, DVD-ROM Compatible, Region 1 encoding, US and Canada only, (DVD Quality)


Soft Cel Anime