Twisted Sex Stories

Award nominated Director, Andrew Madness brings you clever stories of pornographic exploits featuring sizzling Superstar Cheyenne Silver. Experience the psychedelic adventure with an All Star cast of the hottest talent in the industry today. Dreams come to life when an artist sketches a piece of fantasy in a three way with Cheyenne and Inari Vachs. Dillion Day falls victim to Renee LaRue's wrath of control in a grudge screw fest. Mickey G. and Randy Spears get caught up in a "for hire" fantasy scene that goes all wrong. Kianna Bradley experiences a shocker of a scene with first time "John" Mickey. Finally, Chloe and Lola ...Read More
experience a surreal case of Deja Vu in a hot girl-girl scene!
Item# NS-80092
Date 12/26/2003 (Out of Stock)
Play Time Apx. n/a


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Product Details

Item#: NS-80092 Media Type: DVD Region Code: All Picture Format: NTSC Picture Format: Not Yet Confirmed DVD Type: Not Yet Confirm Language: English No. of Disc: 1 SubTitle: N/A


Full Motion Menus
Chapter Index
Bonus Scene
Pick Your Pleasure
Photo Gallery
Web Trailer
No Regional Coding