Three fierce Magical Warriors, Ai, Rin, and Meg, join forces to wage war against the demonic Yuragi who have begun to possess and corrupt humanity, threatening to ultimately destroy civilization. The mastermind behind it all is Shin and his mutant daughter Mayu who control the Yuragi to orchestrate their doomsday master plan. When Shin captures the trio of warriors, he submits each of them to unrelenting tentacle torture! Will the trio survive the ordeal and defeat Shin, his daughter Mayu and the massive, monstrous Yuragi army? This is the epic 2009 three-part OVA. Japanese language with English subtitles. (3 Episodes)
Item#: KVBD-2232Media Type: Blu-rayRegion Code: AllPicture Format: NTSCPicture Format: 4:3 Standard TVDVD Type: Single LayerLanguage: English, Japanese No. of Disc: 1SubTitle: English
Interactive Menus Scene Selection Spoken Language: English, Japanese Subtitle: English Region 1 Encode